The Parkland Online Program takes over Parkland High School

Photo by Gianna Rivera

      Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students at Parkland High School either have to deal with fully online school or hybrid learning. A vast majority of these students choose to do fully online school to ensure more safety in light of the situation. 

     Now, for many people, online school can be quite difficult due to the multitudinous amount of work. Whether it be writing six to twelve paragraph outlines or doing an entire project in a very short amount of time, online school can be a hassle. Even with teachers trying to cut back on work in order to keep a balance, students still may be struggling along with teachers.

     Online school can be draining, but it also is nice for students who want more flexibility in their schedule. Some teachers are fully synchronous (having live class sessions) while others are asynchronous (no live class sessions) which can allow students to go more at their own pace and potentially get ahead for the day. Some students even have a mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning which allows plenty of flexibility and order. 

            Parkland Online student Krushil Amrutiya was asked about what it’s like being an online student. In regards to the pros of being an online student, Krushil said that “it isn’t as tiring as hybrid schooling since I wouldn’t be walking everywhere with my heavy backpack.” 

     However, in regards to the cons, Krushil said that “I think I get more work than I would’ve in school. The other con would be that because of the amount of work I get, I don’t really understand the course content and am just meant to meet the assignment’s deadlines.”

     Another student that was interviewed was junior Madison Slack and she seems to agree with Krushil on the large workload. She says that “What I dislike about it is there’s no physical socialization with friends. However, you can get work done for the day and just chill, If I could change something about it, it would be the amount of work we get.” 

        While students may not have as much of a social school life as they normally would and the workload can be quite tedious, the Parkland Online program provides a safe way for students to learn during the pandemic.

Photo by Gianna Rivera