Lana Hurwitz crosses the finish line a record holder

Determined to get to the finishing line


With a smile, Lana Hurwitz and Elena Wenger (Coach Schlaner)

Slow and steady doesn’t always win the race. Proof of that was when Lana Hurwitz broke the eighteen year old 5k record set in 2004. Lana Hurwitz’s love and passion for running began when she started doing 5ks with her family and by participating in Girls on the Run growing up. After 10 years of playing soccer and two years of Parkland Girls Soccer, she joined cross-country to focus on her running and all the doors it can open for her future. She could not be happier with the way it turned out.

While all cross country courses vary with different hills, flats, and curves, Lana ran twice as fast as Erin Roberts, who set the old record in 2004, nearly eighteen years ago. Erin Roberts ran an 18:25, and Lana Hurwitz ran an 18:23.4 at a Northampton meet. She then achieved a 17:59.6 at Paul Short invitational. ¨I’m super excited about being the new school record holder in the 5k. I love being a part of the cross country program and being able to set the bar higher for the next generation of runners who come to Parkland,” said Lana. Coach Ott, the cross country head coach, stated, ¨Lana is a hard worker. She is mentally and physically tough. Her determination to excel has propelled her to this success. Lana supports her teammates, listens to her coaches, and takes ownership of her craft. In her first season running cross country, this accomplishment is amazing. Parkland XC has a long tradition of success. I am happy to see that Lana is now a part of this tradition.” 

Despite being in 11th grade and this being her first year participating in high school cross country, we all have high hopes for Lana Hurwitz and her running career. Being a record holder is a great accomplishment especially in a Parkland sport that has been around since 1983. We cannot wait to see what Lana accomplishes next fall and this following Track and Field season.